Sunday, 3 August 2014

Three bean salad & Falafel recipe

I use three different beans, red kidney, borlotti & flagolet, tinned are easiest, rinse well, stir in a thinly sliced red onion, add a vinegrette dressing & serve.

Grate a carrot & an onion, softe over a low heat  in a little oil with a good shake of cumin,when soft  tip into a bowl, add a tin of cooked chickpeas &a handful of chopped parsley, mash & mix together. add a little water if mixture is too dry to shape. Shape into 12 small balls, flatten slightly & fry gently 'til crispy on the outside.
This is like the recipe from A girl called Jack but she adds coriander as well as parsley, I only have parsley in my garden


Louise said...

Thank you x

The Fishops said...

mmm, we have felafel every Friday night.

If you have an Indian grocers within reach they do huge bunches of coriander very cheap - I get 3 bunches for £1 at Quality Foods (they have a branch on Oxford Road). Then chop and freeze, and sling a handful on food when it's almost done - it melts instantly on hot food.

The Fishops said...

Sorry, I meant the Exotic Superstore, not Quality foods.

Hard up Hester said...

Thank you, I'll have a look next time I'm along the Oxford Road

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...