Friday, 1 August 2014

Joggers & other muppets

I've only driven about 8 miles today & I've to take evasive action to avoid hitting a jogger, two adults on bikes & a car reversing into me! All of these were coming towards me on my side of the road at different times.
I'm used to avoiding kids on bikes where I live, I drive slowly as I know the kids are likely to be pootling about on foot, bikes & scooters, they are polite & get out of the way. The muppets I mentioned above all either swore at me or gave a rude gesture. Sod it, from now on, I'll just run the buggers over


Janet said...

I was driving home the other day and was confronted by a white van driver recklessly overtaking a bus heading towards me at speed, 30 mph zone, on the wrong side of the road. Hubby in passenger seat, I was so pleased he witnessed the event as he looks at me sometimes as if I have made my miraculous escapes from other people's bad driving up!

Anonymous said...

From Margie in Toronto - you do wonder how some people managed to get their licenses don't you? I live on a busy street but I cross at clearly marked lights with a button that must be pushed for me to get a walk signal. I then get 20 seconds to cross a very wide road (and I walk with a cane). I lose at least 3 seconds waiting for the cars who have just run the red to clear the intersection - then before I step off I have to make sure that there is no one on a bike running the red light (and I've lost track of the number of times I've been sworn at by one of them because I actually expected them to obey the rules of the road) - I'm lucky if the cars who want to make a left from the cross street (your right) let me cross without illegally passing in front of me - or - beeping their horn at me to get a move on - I use a cane remember. You never even have to make these things up. So glad you weren't urt.

Unknown said...

I think it must be the weather that brings them out as we've just had a similar journey.

jill said...

Joggers and bikers here are numerous but very careful and polite.
Our big problem is with crazy mothers pushing single and double strollers out into traffic against the signals, from between parked cars and even wrong way down the center of the street!
They get seriously abusive and seem to believe that children posses some magic shield.
most vexing.

Joggers For Boys said...

I'm used to avoiding kids on bikes where I live, I drive slowly as I know the kids are likely to be pootling about on foot, bikes & scooters, they are ...

Joggers For Kids said...

I'm used to avoiding kids on bikes where I live, I drive slowly as I know the kids are likely to be pootling about on foot, bikes & scooters, they are ...

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...