Saturday, 2 August 2014

Treating myself

I've treated myself to a couple of dressmaking patterns, they are incredibly expensive these days & dressmaking is not a cheap hobby. I bought my patterns from their service is very good, I ordered the patterns on the 31st & they arrived today. I can't afford the sort of dresses I like new & I don't find many in the charity shops. The CS seem to be full of separates & the last dress I I saw that I liked was £20 2nd hand.
I buy Vogue patterns, I think they are the most expensive but even the very easy ones have a good shape to them & I do tend to use them over & over again.
The first one below, I shall make in summer weight fabric & autumn weight. The second one I will make with a little extra ease & wear it as a pinafore dress, so I'll make in autumn weight material. We have a wedding to go to in October so I may make a jacket to go with one of the dresses.
I have some fabric in my stash, I'll check that out tomorrow & if I can't find anything suitable I'll look in Fabricland on Monday when my L&M are going into town for hospital appointments & lunch.

IV8665 Misses'/Misses' Petite Dress | Very EasyV8724 Misses' Dress | Very Easy | Custom Fit


Unknown said...

I envy anybody that can make their own clothes and those patterns look lovely. Hope you post up a pic of the finished results!

Linda Metcalf said...

I like to buy patterns that work with every season by using the appropriate fabric. If I ever get all my quilts finished I plan on a couple of dresses myself. I can't justify a pattern unless I am using it several times changing it up as I go. I can't wait to see your finishes!

kathy said...

Really lovely patterns and very versatile. I am sure that you will get a lot of use out of them.
I was talking to somebody recently who teaches dressmaking and she says that it is relatively more expensive to make your own clothes nowadays than it was years ago. But she said there is a big revival as people like the individuality, fit and relaxation of making their own.

50 and counting said...

I like the length and yes I understand that when dressmaking you can make them whatever length you want.

Everything in the shops is too short, the world doesn't deserve the horror of my knees.

I think with a fine knit turtleneck they could both go into winter.

Hard up Hester said...

everything in the shops is too long for me plus I'm shortwaisted. I also enjoy sewing so it's the best of both worlds.

jill said...

These are both well designed patterns in very versatile styles.
No doubt you will get a lot of mileage for your money with them.
I agree that it is better to spend for a well cut pattern so that you don't go mad trying to make it work and ending up with a square, ill fitting mess.
I like the jumper idea as I always need layers in the cold and it stretches the style options for the pattern as well.

Being careful.

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