Friday, 24 October 2014

Half term, woo hoo

A week off, great, I'm really looking forward to it.
We have a wedding tomorrow, & an overnight stay in the hotel where the reception is being held, it's the only way we can attend the reception as the hotel is in the middle of nowhere & I wouldn't be able to drive home in the dark afterwards. MIL & FIL are staying too, my L&M & one of his brothers have paid for the room, a birthday gift for MIL.
DGD Norah is staying Monday, I have a visitor on Tuesday, an ex colleague, it will be nice to catch up. Plus I'm having my oven cleaned professionally.
We're dog sitting until Wednesday, it's nice to have a dog around & the DGC love him to bits.
Other plans include housework, crochet, making mead & sewing, all in all a nice break from work.


DragonflyDreams said...

I'm loving the sound of professional oven cleaning and mead making. Enjoy your half term holiday x

Sue in Suffolk said...

No rest for the wicked!!

Linda Metcalf said...

Enjoy your week and the time away from work.....time away from work? You have a lot going on but always more fun than the job work!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your break! With Xmas coming up I will say yes to any overtime at work I'm offered the girls some of them go away but I don't it's an opportunity for some extra cash ! Which obviously I can do with .... Or otherwise I'd be taking holidays too! Only thing is hard getting back into it after a break ...... X

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...