Saturday, 11 October 2014

Where did it come from.

My husband does make me laugh, he's gone off to meet a friend for a drink today, he was rummaging in the cupboard for his coat & muttering about needing a new one. 

He put on a lot of weight when he gave up smoking 3 years ago & is now losing it again. He emerged from the cupboard holding a fleece

'Is this yours or mine? ' he asked.

'Not mine' I replied

'Are you sure?' 

'Yep, it's way too big to be mine'

He tried it on & it fitted really well, he put his hand in the pockets.

'Ooh look, it must be yours' he said 'there's crap in the pockets' waving a till receipt & a £10

He started to read out the  details.

'It's from the corner shop, malteasers, onion, mushrooms, it must be yours'

Then he read more, the name of the bank account, Nat West, I bank with HSBC with hardly a pause for breath he said.

'I knew it was my coat, it fits a treat' he grinned & sailed out of the door looking pleased as punch.

As for the coat, I haven't a clue, I've never seen it before, it has a very distinctive logo on it, not the sort of thing I'd buy new as it would be very expensive & not something I'd buy 2nd hand because I don't buy 2nd hand clothes for hubby as he wears a uniform to work & tends to live in his uniform for his previous job the rest of the time.

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