Saturday, 22 August 2015

It's a Grand Prix weekend

That means beer & burgers for hubby and uninterrupted crochet for me or I may spend some time designing some business cards.
I've prepped 4 portions of minced beef SW style to be used for cottage pie or spag bol, they are in the freezer, along with 3lbs of carrots that hubby picked and I prepped.
I've used nearly all the potatoes that hubby dug a few weeks ago so he will dig some more soon.


Angela said...

GP weekend here too - just served him his lunch as he watches Qualifying on TV, and same tomorrow [the ONLY time he gets to eat Sunday lunch in front of TV] I did eat my lunch staring intently at British fans [one of my friends is in Spa] but I too am planning some serious craft today!

Poppypatchwork said...

Daughter and SIL is there, can't think of a worse place to be.


Beano gets more walks in the summer than in the winter. It's not the weather, we neither of us mind the cold. It's the shortness of ...