Wednesday, 23 March 2016

And I thought I was normal

DD has been discussing her family and background with her psychiatrist, her description of me has led her psychiatrist to believe I'm weird and eccentric!


Poppypatchwork said...

No Hester not you, you are as normal as the rest of us!

Lyssa Medana said...

I'd get that framed if I were you. x

Unknown said...

Nothing wrong with being weird and eccentric! I'm getting that on my headstone lol x

Anonymous said...

No, you have lived a wide and varied life, and brought your children up to be strong members of society. I don't see this as a problem!

jill said...

'Weird and eccentric' You say that like it was a bad thing!!

Anonymous said...

what a lovely compliment


Anonymous said...

Way to go , girl. I'd take that as a compliment no bother!!

Anonymous said...

Well I would definitely take that as a compliment Hester, nothing wrong with that.

My grandchilden say "your MAD Nan". and I am chuffed to bits when they say that. At least our grandchildren will have lovely stories to tell about us

Happy Easter, enjoy your break you deserve it

Marie xx

crafty cat corner said...

I'd say that you were just being yourself, most people put on an act.
We are thought of as odd, but then my car seat covers are pictures of pink cats with phychedelic eyes. LOL

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...