Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Holiday clothes

We are going on a narrow boat holiday and hubby is worried that I will not manage wearing dresses, but I cannot  wear trousers. My L&M suggested I tried dungarees, I looked in a few places but couldn't find any, so I tried the internet. So how come when I search online for dungarees to buy, the first item to show up is Viagra, and the second is chimney flues!


Anonymous said...

Oh Hester, they must have known it was you!!

Hugs for all you are going through, but the narrow boat holiday sounds good, hope you have a great time

Marie xx

Lyssa Medana said...

Good luck with the dungarees and have a great holiday x

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I'm really jealous, I had a couple of narrow boat holidays about 20 years ago and I'd love to do that again with DH. It's really peaceful xx

Hard up Hester said...

I've done two previous NB hols, but hubby hasn't and yes it is very peaceful.

Softstuff said...

I think you'd manage in a dress, he'd just catch the odd glimpse of your knickers (or..er..not). I can't imagine that would be detrimental to the holiday for either of you!

kate steeper said...

remember cullottes? im not even sure that you can buy them anymore , but they were such a good compromise on a windy day . Mr BH always wanted to go on a boating holiday , we never did and shant now . He would have been a nightmare so i avoided the idea .

Witch Hazel said...

We owned a narrowboat for about 20 years, only sold it a couple of years ago. Trousers (or shorts) are easier on a boat than dresses/skirts. They are less likely to get caught up, and it means you don't have to worry about putting people off their breakfast if they are at the bottom of a lock and you are on the lock side (especially if you are on a narrow canal and choose to step across the lock gates (although you could give your L&M a bit of a quick thrill). I

It's more important to make sure that you have flat non-slippy shoes. I also use comfortable gloves to wind the locks, otherwise I end up with blisters. Cheap horseriding ones (wooly, with bobbles on the palms for grip) work really well.

Kim said...

Try getting some yoga trousers, they don't sit on waist, much higher under busts. Really soft flowing fabric as well. Good luck.

caslass said...

Culottes. are in the Cotton Traders catalogue that arrived today if that is any help. I had a couple of pairs and lived in them. Whatever you choose have a great holiday.

Being careful.

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