Saturday, 19 March 2016

Blanket update

The blanket so far, about one third completed so far, lots of ends to sew in.


crafty cat corner said...

I like the black with the colours, i remember i made a poncho like this years and years ago when they were fashionable first time round, ha ha
don't envy you dealing with all those ends.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! so impressed with your talent.
Barb USA

Sal in Linc's. said...

Wow, the black really make the colours pop. Looking great.

Witch Hazel said...

What gorgeous colours!
I really envy your talent with wool!
Like Briony, I had a similar poncho too. My mum made me 2... I guess I was 10ish? That would make it 40 years ago. (Was it 1975? Hmm, not sure. I'm trying to conjure up a mental pic of me in a hair might give me an age...nope, won't come).
Hazel xx

Anonymous said...

Lovely work-the black really makes the colours pop! Ends are tedious but the finished work will all be worth it. Catriona

Sheila said...

It's beautiful. Reminds me of a stained glass window-x-

Jackie said...

Very nice. The black sets it off beautifully.

God bless.

Anonymous said...

What lovely colours they look like jewels x

Heleng said...

Beautiful. I love the colours and the black borders really sets them off. Love Helen xx

Rambler said...

Gorgeous! Yes, I agree that the black really does set off those bright colours. I'm almost tempted to crochet a blanket myself - but it's the sewing up that really puts me off.

Hard up Hester said...

I'm doing join as you go, so you crochet it together as you do the border, mind you working in black is a bugger in the evenings said...

This blanket is so beautiful. Really great work done!

Being careful.

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