Monday, 27 July 2020

Black and blue and piddling wet through

We moved à few hundred yards today.I

We needed to fill up with diesel and the barnyard was only open for an hour.

There was another widebeam filling up so we got ready and as soon as they pulled away we took their place.

I was already wet from walking the dogs, I stood at the front of the boat in the rain and managed to get the rope around the bollard as we moored by the diesel pump. We spent £43 as we hadn't used as much as we thought. We do have a fuel gauge but it doesn't work properly. When the tank is full the gauge registers three quarters and when the gauge drops to half that mean we are empty! 

We went under the bridge and it was already raining harder again so we decided to moor up until tomorrow morning.

It was very difficult to moor, there were a lot of boats moving, it was chucking it down and the wind was hellish.

Fortunately another boater took the back rope, I was hanging on to the front rope and I'm bruised from where it was across my back as I struggled to hang on and pull the boat to the bank.


flis said...

That sounded exhausting Hester-I hope tomorrow is easier and you get chance to recover x

mamasmercantile said...

That sounds like hard work and exhausting. Not at all the idyllic lifestyle that I imagined.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...