Tuesday, 21 July 2020


Sorry about the sudden silence, we are on the move. Lack of time and lack of energy mean there will be gaps in blogging.

 We have travelled from Burghfield to the far end of the Childe Beale mooring and then on to Goring.

Today we are heading to Wallingford, everywhere is very busy so it can be difficult to find a mooring. When we can't moor it means a longer day which is tiring.


crafty cat corner said...

Blogging should be fun, so when you feel like it I'm sure we will still be here and pleased when we see that you have posted.

Sue said...

I love Wallingford, it's a lovely little town. But I'm guessing it's going to be quite a busy little hub now compared to some places. I hope you find a nice mooring and can relax a little.

JanF said...

Enjoy yourself as much as you are able and , as Briony mentions, don't feel obligated to entertain us all with a blog! Only when it is fun and relaxing for you.

The Weaver of Grass said...

All sounds good. Once had a boating holiday starting in Goring many years ago.

Anonymous said...

Have a great day in Wallingford, we're very friendly here 😀

Winters End Rambler said...

Such good news you haven't fallen overboard again! Jackie...LittleWinterWays.blogspot.com x

flis said...

Hope your day went well and you are enjoying a change of scenery x

Chris said...

Enjoy your mini vacation. Wish I was there to enjoy it with you.

Beacee said...

Glad you're ok. Hope you find a peaceful spot. Hugs x

thelma said...

Keep on floating. Perhaps you will find a less busy canal path for the dogs.

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...