Saturday, 18 July 2020

Having a bad day

I  woke up with panic attack and it's still rumbling around.

Every dog walk today has been a nightmare, the towpath has been full of speeding bikes I got thoroughly pissed off with having to leap out their way dragging the dogs to safety. 
They won't slow down even when asked and some ride two abreast taking up the entire path.

They have no consideration for the elderly, families, kids on bikes or anything else they treat the towpath like a fecking race track.


Anonymous said...

What would happen if you stood your ground? They'd then slow down and stop if necessary. Surely they'd not keep going and purposely mow you down? That would mean they'd come off their bikes, damaging themselves and the bikes. Doubtful they'd risk that, they'd slow down and stop if needed.

Hard up Hester said...

Some of them slow a little bit they shout and swear. Others whizz past so fast that one misstep and there would be a accident. Parts of the towpath have bends in, they travel far too fast to be able to stop safely.

Angela said...

so sorry you had a panicattack i had one and was terrified hope you feel better soon

Jaccs said...

Lockdown has a lot to answer for, it’s sent people crazy on bikes, the road rage arseholes are now peddling god help us!!

Ian said...

I have the advantage of being relatively tall, relatively wide, and horribly ugly when viewed from either front or rear - I just don't get out of their way.

Had one on a narrow towpath come up behind me ringing his bell like made and shouting 'bicycle! bicycle! coming up behind you!' at me. I was wheeling my trolley of groceries back to my boat at the time. Presumably he wanted me to jump into the canal out of his way, or to vault the hedgerow into the field with the other cattle. As per my usual modus, I slowed down even more, didn't turn around and just yelled iver my shoulder 'I hear you - there's a wider bit about fifty yards ahead beyond the bridge, you can come past there...'

He waited, and it's about only the second time I've seen a cyclist dismount when confronted with a blockage (my middle name is "Blockage"). I got a very mumbled - but polite - Good morning as he passed by. One of these days I'll meet one who decides to park his velocipede between my arse cheeks but even when that day comes they'll discover that I know the ancient martial art of Berserk, and I'm not afraid to use it.

flis said...

I had to be on my guard this morning on our walk which makes me a nervous wreak and that's on country paths-it must be more dangerous on the canal tow path though-I think I'm too polite- I too should learn Berserk x

Joyce said...

Ian, I howled, reading your comment. As the plague persists, I am getting wider and wider and with my Covid Corona of unmowed hair, must be quite a sight when viewed from behind.
I hate these privileged asswipes! Oh, I am also damned surly on a good day, My hubs refuses to let me carry a flare gun in the car so I just pretend to take out cars, actually I have done that for years!
Carry on, friends across the pond. Heather, what if you carried a large umbrella and just swung it from side to side?

Margie from Toronto said...

Cyclists are the bane of my existence - they truly are the most selfish gits around - and that's me being polite!
The city has built miles of expensive bike paths for them but they still use the sideWALKS when it suits them and if you say anything you get verbal abuse and threats.
Being short & wide & grey haired (since I stopped dying it) I too tend to do as Ian - and just slow down. It helps that I also walk with the aid of a cane. I have been known to do the whole "startled old lady bit" where my cane suddenly shoots up and accidentally comes into contact with one of them or their precious bike - one threatened to call the police - told him to go right ahead - who did he think was going to be reprimanded - the little old lady with a cane walking on the sidewalk or the strapping 6 footer illegally riding his bike on the sideWALK. He rode off in a huff - probably to try and find someone to take that dent out of his bumper - IDIOTS!

Sue said...

We went to Morecambe for a dog walk along the promenade and the amount of bikes was astonishing. Them whizzing past in the quieter areas was fine but when they didn't bother to reduce their speed in the busier sections it just seemed so dangerous. What if a small child had stepped out the wrong way, or an elderly person didn't hear them coming up behind? It doesn't bear thinking about.

We came home when it started to get too busy, far safer and quieter back at home.

Beacee said...

Hope you're ok. Hugs x

Tracy said...

I live in a village on a very busy A road. A few years ago some idiot decided to make the footpath into a combined footpath/cycle path. None of the cyclists who use it appear to have bells on their bikes. They just yell and then seem amazed when they virtually run into you from behind and you explain that you couldn't hear them because of the roar from the traffic and the fact that your ears don't point backwards! Plus, I have a relative with learning difficulties who almost jumps into the traffic to get away from them because he gets in such a panic.

Kathleen B said...

Hope you're ok, noticed you've been quiet for a few days

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending good and gentle vibes x

Being careful.

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