Friday, 17 July 2020

Brené Brown

 I'm currently reading an interesting book by Brené Brown.

In it she discusses the effect of criticism on her work.

My blog contains my thoughts on my life it is not my work.

Brené talked about how the most negative and hurtful criticism is always anonymous.

This is how she addresses the problem of anonymous criticism. She says "if you are not in the arena getting your arse kicked like the rest of us then I'm not interested in your feed back" I have paraphrased her words slightly.

I have taken the decision to delete all unpleasant anonymous comments from now on as I refuse to accept criticism from someone who is too scared to use their real name.


Theresa Y said...

Good for you. They are usually nasty bullies anyway. Although some are not, mostly they are just bullies that hide behind the big "A". Life's too short and fragile for that bullshit anyway.

Cheryl Seaman said...

Perfect! Trolls are apparently everywhere, if you don't understand or agree then try to destroy!! Our lifetimes are too short to put up with people like that. I just got the Brene Brown book and will start reading it today.

Emmbee said...

Before you take on board the comments made by someone, ask yourself if you would ask that person for advice.
If you don’t respect the person, then don’t take on their comments or opinions.
I regularly took on board the criticisms of acquaintances, but would dismiss the positive comments of friends.
I eventually accepted my insanity, and convinced myself to reject the negative comments.
I don’t know why we do this, but suspect that we have low self esteem and allow others negativity in, as it reinforces our negative opinions of our selves.
Take care.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Wise decision I would have thought.

Sue in Suffolk said...

Delete and forget - simple

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who was so hurt by comments, she deleted all her accounts. She somewhat returned but the posts have no flavor anymore. She was a bit of a braggart but they are her blog posts and her life so others should but out. Love your blog.


crafty cat corner said...

I eventually put comment moderation on my blog as I had started getting nasty mean comments.
Now I just delete them before posting the others.
They are not even aware if I have read them and the amount I get now is minimal.

Beacee said...

Good for you! Your blog - you choose.
Hugs x

justjill said...

Me too. I am with you totally.

Dog Lover said...

You rock💝

kelley said...

Excellent decision

Margie from Toronto said...

Well done! They are just cowards.

Sue said...

That sounds like a very good plan :-)

flis said...

I would like to press the delete button on visual bullies too x

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...