Monday, 13 July 2020


Flis, it is an ear problem it is a tumour that presses on the balance and hearing nerves.

I phoned the surgery today but there were no appointments available, I need to phone every morning at 8am until the Dr has a telephone spot free.

DD2 took me to collect my car at 10am  this morning, as I was driving home the car behind me was being driven by a blind man with a very small dick. I know this because he insisted on driving almost touching my exhaust in his very large car with his headlights on full beam. He was obviously annoyed because I was adhering to the 40mph speed limit. As I was driving along the slip road towards the dual carriageway I increased my speed up to 60 ready to join the fast flowing traffic, he started to attempt to overtake me. He didn't notice the signs announcing that the outside lane was closed! He blasted on his horn, whether at me or the road workers in not sure but then he had to pull back in behind me. Heyho, I obviously ruined his day.

Three photos I took today, swans and cygnets swimming past.

Loulou on guard duty.

Finally the view from the back deck as I drank my first cuppa of the day.


flis said...

I'm sorry to have been so ignorant regarding your health concerns Hester and I truly hope you can get a resolve swiftly.You really didn't need that stupid idiot following your car either but at least all looks calm back home x

Chris said...

Lovely photos. So calm and serene!

justjill said...

Hope you get to see someone soon. Must be good to sit where you are x

Mary Bolton said...

Oh yeah! pictures too!

Hard up Hester said...

Flis there is no need to apologise I should have been clearer when I posted. Sometimes my fingers,and brain work independently lol so my posts don't make sense.

mamasmercantile said...

How lovely to be surrounded by such beauty. Hope you manage to get a doctors appointment soon.

Catriona said...

I hope you can see your doctor soon-will you need a referral from your GP to have a scan privately? I know a young man who had surgery for the condition and so I kind of knew what it was. Good luck with the call.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog..Every so often I need a good belly laugh and you occasionally give me one. I live in the high desert in the western United States so your life on the water with all of it's greenery and boat living stories is highly entertaining. I am so glad to have found your blog. Thanks

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