Thursday, 2 July 2020

Playing ball

Thanks for all the hugs and kind comments, I do appreciate them. I also know there are many people worse off than me.

Pam, yes I can get the hearing aid batteries posted out to my daughter's but then I still have to collect them from there.

Loulou loves to play fetch, she gets very excited, she chases the ball and brings it near but not right to me, we're working on it.
The first time I played  with her Beano got a bit upset, Loulou was yapping, growling and bumping her nose against my hand trying to get the ball.
Beano thought she was being aggressive and tried to stop her, I gave Beano a Kong to play with to distract him.
Now he let's us play ball and doesn't worry, he doesn't play ball himself although we have tried to encourage him. He will chase a stick if it's thrown but just eats it, he, not bring it back.


crafty cat corner said...

I have 5 cats and one of them will retrieve a paper ball bring it back and wait for it to be thrown again. I have never had a cat do this before.
We get a lot of jealousy between all of them.

Beacee said...

Your dogs sound delightful. We have cats - four of them. They've generally stopped playing with things, but just occaisionally they go totally mad.
Hope you've had a better day.
Hugs x

flis said...

Three of mine play with toys but lily never does she prefers to race and splash and find poo and lay in mud.2 of the boys like to play with the same toy and then rip it apart and eat the remains if not stopped.teddy likes to play but only one to one and dig holes and he tries his luck mounting lily who just walks away disinterested x

Anonymous said...

Our dog, Silva, was a rescue dog from the pound and has never played. She will swim after pine cones thrown into the river, bring them to the bank and then chew them up. She won't chase a ball at all, just looks at it and back at us and does nothing, lol. I read somewhere that if a dog isn't encouraged to play while it is a pup (Silva was 18 months when we got her) they will rarely learn to play later. Oh well, she is so great otherwise. Audrey from NZ

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...