Thursday, 9 July 2020

Cold, damp and smelly

The moorings here are quiet so we moved up on to the visitor moorings. This means we don't have to use the gangplank, a great advantage when trying to get off the boat with two dogs.

I walked back to get the car yesterday morning so the dogs had a two mile walk.

Unfortunately it has rained for the last couple days so the boat smells of wet dog and wet washing.

Steve doesn't like this mooring, too many overhanging trees make it dark and he hates the rain but it is supposed to be here tomorrow.

He slipped yesterday and thinks he's damaged a tendon but he only limps when he remembers so it can't be that bad!

He's in a foul mood, swearing and finding fault with everything. He's not doing anything useful just being an all round pain in the arse

He mentioned earlier that when I swept the floor I hadn't wiped behind the doors, I handed him a cloth and told him to do it himself!


Theresa Y said...

Good for you. He was probably shocked when you handed HIM the towel and stopped griping for a minute. I hope he wiped behind the doors. Men....

JanF said...

That was a good one, Hester. Quick thinking!

Sooze said...

You have more patience than me. I think I'd be inclined to accidentally shove him overboard.

Rambler said...

Sorry!! I had to laugh at your comment, Sooze. I would have felt the same, I'm sure, but I guess he would need rescuing - eventually! Oh and he'd bring all that water and weed into the boat . . No, not worth the hassle.

flis said...

I like to say if someone is being irritating negative-"your body is like an engine and it will cease up if not used and then you won't be able to get to the toilet and I can't lift you" x

crafty cat corner said...

Does he normally complain about your cleaning? Like the others said, give him the cloth and tell him to *****

Hard up Hester said...

I am frequently tempted to push him overboard!

Sue said...

We will all wait with baited breath for the splash ;-)

readlisten said...

I am so happy that you handed him that cloth. I am in awe of your patience with him, but he long ago passed into emotional abuse. Some, of course, must be excused, but the stroke is long in the past and he can be taught civility and to do simple tasks.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...