Wednesday, 15 July 2020

My dogs may be daft but they arent stupid.

Beano has a kong toy, it unscrews to put the treats in and it has a small hole that the treats can drop out of as the toy is chased around. The treats do not drop out fast enough for Beano  so he has learnt to unscrew the toy.

Loulou started off trying to eat Beano's food so we fed them in separate rooms for a few day. Now we feed them both in the kitchen. Loulou stands and watches Beano eat and finishes what he leaves. Loulou decided Beano wasn't leaving enough for her so now once she has eaten her food she pushes her bowl across the floor. It makes quite a noise and Beano turns around to see what's happening. Loulou dives into Beano's bowl and finishes off his food.


justjill said...

Ha haaaa. The female of the species!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Yes I thought just as Jill did.

Chris said...

She is certainly using her brain.

flis said...

Your dogs are very smart aren't they.My little teddy who is the smallest has worked out if he grizzles a bit the terrier races off to deal with "the enemy"and teddy can then nip in quick and nab his treat too-teddy then runs into a hidie hole and gobbles it up x

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

That is really too funny!

mamasmercantile said...

They are a lot cleverer than we give them credit for...great dogs.

Being careful.

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