Friday, 17 July 2020

Intruder alert

We have motion activated lights at the front and back of the boat, the front light was activated just before 1am.

This was followed a few moments later by Beano, who sleeps on our bed at the front of the boat starting to growl.

Then Loulou, who was sleeping in the living room, started to bark and ran to the stern. She doesn't bark usually when Beano growls though she will sometimes come in to see why Beano is growling, it's sometimes because he is dreaming.

I got up, grabbed my dressing gown, slipped my feet into my shoes and opened the back doors. Both dogs ran out barking,  I couldn't see anything but if anyone was about I expect they scarpered.

It's now almost 2:30 the lights haven't been triggered again, hopefully I'll get back to sleep soon as I'll no doubt be awake by 4am.


crafty cat corner said...

omg, its like a horror movie. How scary, hope you had your rolling pin handy. lol

The Weaver of Grass said...

Very unnerving - still, two dogs are better than one in those circumstances.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps a fox or a cat?

Sue said...

Now they know that as well as a security light you have too little but noisy watchdogs I doubt the intruder will return. Our little furry friends are good at looking after us aren't they.

Sewing mamie said...

We heard a noise downstairs a couple of weeks ago when we were in bed , we spent ten minutes arguing who should go down and look . We finally decided that because the dogs were quiet it was probably one of the cats and we would leave it till the morning .
Hubby was quite happy for me to go and check but he wasn't so keen to go down himself lol

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

My neighbours car alarm and flashing lights went off at 3:30am, I got up looked out to check. The neighbours slept through the whole thing which lasted 30 minutes.

flis said...

My little one hears a pin drop.If it was a scumbag they weren't expecting that.Recently mine has been activated a lot by a cat and also the ladies across the road she told me x

Being careful.

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