Friday, 24 July 2020

Wallingford to Clifton lock

We left Wallingford just after 9 this morning and found a 24 hour mooring at Clifton lock just after 1 o'clock, there are just two boats here.

The mooring is low, so no lifting the dogs on and off, it's quiet so the dogs are relaxed and not constantly barking at passers by.

There is no satellite signal so I shall read, this week I've read The Tamed Wife by Phillipa Gregory, Foxglove Summer by Ben Aaronovich and I've just started Out of the London Mist by Lyssa Medana.

I did a load of washing as we travelled along and had a shower when we arrived, I even managed a nana nap, something I have done since Loulou joined us.

Tomorrow we will move on to Abingdon and hopefully find a mooring there.


justjill said...

All sounds good.

flis said...

It seems you are able to find time for a bit of relaxation at last x

Chris said...

Who does the steering when you are on the move? I guess the dogs are used to landing in a different place every few days.

mamasmercantile said...

It sounds idyllic but I am betting it is hard work.

crafty cat corner said...

All sounds stressful to me, is it? I like the idea of living on a boat but not sure if I've got what it takes now.
Glad you found a berth though. Look forward to your next move.

TrishWish said...

We discussed living on a boat this week. I am fed up with the gardening!! Almost decided a small weekend river boat might be a good escape compromise.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...