Friday, 10 July 2020

Give me a fecking break

I often don't sleep well, I have too much crap rattling around in my brain.

Last night I managed to sleep a little better and could have slept longer only just after 6am the motion activated night light in the bathroom fell off the wall with an almighty clatter.

The noise woke the dogs up and they started barking so I gave up on sleep, got dressed and took them for a walk.


Beacee said...

Oh dear! Hope the day got better for you.
Hugs x

Cro Magnon said...

With all windows open at night, it's playtime for Mosquitoes. One got in last night, and ruined what sleep I was hoping for. Like you, I abandoned all hope and got up.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I think in the circumstances getting up was the best - I always find it hard to get back to sleep at that time.

flis said...

I too am experiencing problems at the moment and it can be quite overwhelming and I do struggle with my day but I insist that the dogs are walked and as happy as possible.I can't concentrate on daily tasks and don't settle to sleep until the early hours and then cat nap when I am able.I just try to find pleasure in the small things.I think there are many people who when you scratch the surface don't have the life that it appears at a glance x

lindsey said...

I’m another one that doesn’t sleep well. At the moment it’s because I’ve toothache so at 05.00, having been awake for hours, I got up and started sewing on a quilt I’m making. The trouble is that during the day I then feel as though I’ve been on night duty. Nytol for me tonight, I think!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...