Friday, 3 July 2020

New man

I think I have met my children's new daddy.

His name is George Milton, he is the chief medical officer for the World Health Organisation, he is a widower from Houston, although he is currently based in Aleppo in Syria.

He is head over heels in love with me and knows we are destined to be together.

He would love me to move to Houston (although he can't remember which state Houston is in) and is happy to pay my fare and for me to stay in the best hotel for three months so I can get to know him better.

Unfortunately as he is currently in Syria he cannot access his bank account and due to covid restrictions uk citizens are not allowed to book hotels in America!

So he needs me to transfer eleventy billion quid into his Syrian bank account and he will repay me!

I usually ignore FB requests from men unless I know who they are but sometimes I just enjoy stringing idiots along.


cumbrian said...

Brrrrrrrr .... Brrrrrrrr "Hello"

My name's Blankety blank and I'm calling to ask you to take part in a survey.

OK, but I'm a bit busy right now, give me your home telephone number and I'll ring you back later.

What??? You can't do that.

Why not, you just fuckin did it to me.

crafty cat corner said...

I never understand these men who ask to be friends on facebook, they come out of the blue don't they.
I used to play scrabble when they had the old one,(all changed now, don't like the new one) and some of them would put quite cheeky suggestions on the side, lol.
What is the matter with these men? lol

Winters End Rambler said...

Darn it...always a catch!! x

Christine Hancock said...

This was great, I once had a phone call from White Space furniture and kept them on the phone for ages saying I'd always wanted to go up into space. They hung up on me!
And I saw you had a comment from Ann, Baby Blue Eyes, miss her blog, shame she stopped.

Sue said...

Absolutely brilliant. Don't they know that we with so much lockdown time on our hands will string them along mercilessly for our own entertainment until they are desperate to get rid of us.

Keep him dangling, you never know he might send you some money to get rid of you ;-)

Joyce said...

Oh, wait is this a scam? He sounded soooo dishy, too. I would like an extended stay in a nice hotel, hey, maybe he has a friend...

Margie from Toronto said...

Well that's a new one! :-)

I once strung along a caller supposedly from microsoft who needed to "fix" the issues with my computer. Must have strung him along for at least 20 minutes with my clueless old lady act - then asked him just how stupid he thought I was (it was one of those scams from India) - He was furious! I laughed my head off!

Col said...

I kept a man selling conservatories on the phone for almost an hour, then finally asked him how they would secure it to the outside wall of my third floor flat (apartment).
He was furious and didn't get the joke at all!
We don't even live in a flat, we have a bungalow!!! X

Poppy Q said...

It seems unbelievable to me that people still fall for these scams, but they must do as they still keep sending the emails. The latest ones I keep getting saying that my parcel is at a distribution center and I have to send $3.30 to release it.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I had a warrant issued for my arrest last week due to unpaid tax. I asked the what my National Insurance number was and they put the phone down on me. How rude ;0)

readlisten said...

I had a young man from Nigeria come on one of my Facebook groups after I posted (a picture of my tea cups, for heaven's sake) and ask if I was alone. I wanted to tell him the truth. I have an irritating husband, 2 enormously hungry plump middle aged sons, 2 DILs, 3 screaming-non-stop grandchildren, and a barking chihuahua here today. Lemme be alone!

VC said...

Lol! Made me giggle. I cannot tell you how many times my Amazon account has been suspended/at risk of suspension. Funny that as I don't have one!

MargaretP said...

Its tax time here in Australia and unfortunately there are scammers who have almost perfected the Taxation office letterhead for emails and many unsuspecting people have been scammed into transferring money.

Siebrie said...

I receive emails that my Tinder account needs re-confirmation of my password :) I'm more-or-less happily married and have been for 12 years, I've never had a Tinder account.

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...