Thursday, 11 May 2023

Steve has a dilemma

His friend Bob has a new girlfriend whom Steve would like to meet.

Bob has a lot of single male friends but not many couples so he's happy to meet for a meal and a drink.

I'm happy to go along but I will find conversation difficult with my lack of hearing.

Steve's problem is my age and appearance!  

The new girlfriend is in her early 50's and as I'm 71 I'm obviously not impressive arm candy.

Hey ho life's a bitch ain't it!


Diary of a Nobody said...

Is Steve such an impressive figure of a man , he is going to meet his friends girlfriend in a pub it's not a royal garden party . I know I could not stand five minutes with Steve I would be tempted to kick him up the ass .

Donna said...

Oh, I'm truly sorry! You're so much stronger than I would be in that situation...
big hug

Anonymous said...

If Steve trades you in for a younger woman then I’d say you’d be well rid of him.

Heather said...

Reading your blog posts lately, this is emotional abuse. Whether Steve's behaviour has been affected by a stroke of not, you should not have to put up with it. I do hope you get some advice about what you will do in the future. There is advice on the Women's Aid web site and it's free.

Ellen D. said...

If you don't want to go, then let Steve go alone. I'm sorry that he is so mean to you.

flis said...

My looks have faded which to be honest I quite like -At times my dearest does say something uncomplimentary - I tell him I am quite happy with my appearance and I could look a lot worse like his mother and sister and he should take take a look in a mirror - I haven't told him this just yet but he looks like Max Wall x

Catriona said...

I’m speechless! This is emotional abuse so please don’t give in and let him belittle you in front of his friend by going out to meet the girlfriend. Hope you are sharing all the things that are happening with your family as you shouldn’t have to put up with this dreadful situation. Catriona

VC said...

Don't go! I was in an emotionally abusive marriage for years and it caused me so much pain and still does despite the fact that I'm now married to someone who is nothing like my first husband. I put up with a lot for my children but now is the time to put yourself first. I'm sorry things are so tough for you just now! Max Wall lol!

Marjorie said...


Sue said...

Steve is lucky to have you, perhaps you should simply point that out ... and then have a lovely quiet evening at home doing just what you want to do, while Steve goes out and plays gooseberry.

Anonymous said...

I think STEVE is the dilemma!
Wishing you much peace and an end to this nonsense.

ravylesley said...

Sorry Hester I know you love him and I know this is foul language but I think the situation calls for it but Steve is an arsehole and having been married to an arsehole myself I know there is nothing to be done but to let them get on with it


Anonymous said...

I agree with Lesley, you love Steve,yes of course you do, but he's never going to be the person he once was, and now he's being so cruel & abusive to you it's not on, it's a miserable existence. Nobody should have to live that kind of life and you don't have to either just because he's had a stroke, you've tried very hard to support him, I admire that so much, but you've got needs too.Make sure you get your share of any assets,just because he wants it all, doesn't mean its his, you have a life to live as well, put yourself first for once and stand up for your rights.


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