Thursday, 9 January 2014


We had fish in cheese sauce for tea, I served it with mashed potato & carrots from the garden.
 I poached the fish in some milk & then used the milk to make a cheese sauce, I used grated cheese from the freezer that was left over from Christmas
Frozen Coley 6 portions £2.50 so 83p for 2 portions
Potato 40p
I'm not sure of the costing for the cheese sauce, but if I allow 50p it still only cost £1.33 for a meal for 2 of us.

1 comment:

frugal freesia said...

I often make this meal for my family. I buy the cheese sauce packets from asda which are a good price (I think 3 or 4 sachets for £1) They do other flavour sauces aswell.

Being careful.

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