Sunday, 12 January 2014

Speeding up the Sunday roast

My L&M love a roast dinner so I do one most Sundays. I serve stuffing balls & Yorkshire pudding with the the dinner as it means the meat stretches a lot further. Some Sundays I have things to do, some times I'm tired & can't be bothered to spend hours in the kitchen, so I keep a supply of stuffing balls & Yorkshires in the freezer & I don't mean Aunt Bessie's. I make 2 dozen stuffing balls and 2 dozen Yorkshires at a time & freeze in 4's. I also cook a larger joint, slice it & freeze it in portions. This way if I'm having a busy or lazy weekend all I have to do is cook the veg & my L&M still gets his roast dinner.


Unknown said...

I do the same and keep meat portions in freezer bags, with gravy. It saves the electricity of the oven too. I put the stuffing and yorkshires in the mini oven in the same baking tray and do half and half.

Linda Metcalf said...

We also do this with meats and veggies...using up as next meals or put in freezer for later meals. Nothing goes to waste on a budget and nothing like little effort for an afternoon or evening meal! Good job.

Sue in Suffolk said...

I'm very slow on the uptake as I've only just discovered that you were once H.H.Hester.

Anonymous said...

From Margie in Toronto

I try to do this sort of thing too - prepare the meat ahead of time, portion it up and freeze individual servings. I also peel and chop enough veggies for a few days at a time and I have found that baked potatoes, wrapped up in foil, keep really well in the freezer and just need to be popped into the oven. I had taken a half baked potato (very large) out of the freezer along with a portion of chilli that I made a few weeks ago, so all I had to do this evening was reheat - and while this was happening I made and ate a lovely salad fro already prepped veggies. Helps to make sure that I don't head for the junkfood or take out after work!

Unknown said...

Here I am with a cooking question. How do you make stuffing balls? Good reading you.


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.