Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Bits & pieces

Hi Froogs, nice to see you, I didn't realise you'd lost me. Love the quilts, roll on retirement & I can start making some more.

I have my DGS here today, we're making a PacMan cushion for his bedroom, I'll post a pic when it's finished, I've also made another hat & scarf set & I'll post pics when it's pressed.

I've bought a book of quick baby knits, as DD Helen is expecting twins I better start to knit quicker. She has one large sleepy baby & one small lively one, the midwife has suggested that the smaller baby was conceived a week after the larger one, the next scan should show the gender of the babes, then I can knit in the correct colour once I've used up the cream I've already purchased

We visited the in laws yesterday, the drive home was horrible, very heavy rain, but it was nice to see MIL, BIL was there with his new GF, they are off to Vegas on Friday & Thailand in March, oh how the other half live, not a job between them & all those exotic holidays.

I haven't made any NY resolutions, I don't bother, we none of us know what life will throw at us next, all we can do is our best, our best to roll with the punches & try to come up smiling. I'm finding it very hard to work full time, but have no option, the mortgage still needs paying.

I'm determined to spend lots of time with the grandchildren, this makes life harder as it means less rest for me but they are a source of joy to both my L&M & I.

Work could be interesting next term, mugs are being removed from the staff room, I'm assuming  we will be expected to use the 30p drinks machine & the lockers could be the next thing to go, there is talk of the room being changed to a meeting room, I thought all schools had a staff room, but maybe not.


Pam said...

Are you going to be coerced into paying for hot coloured water, the drinks machines where I used to work had a free button for hot water so i took my own tea bags. I am so happy now that I have retired, busy but happy. Have fun with the children, they grow up so fast.

Anonymous said...

I think you should check with your union/employing council about no rest facilities if the staffroom is taken away. I could not drink beverages from a machine as I detest them and wouldneed to take a flask if that were the case. Hope new school year goes better than last but it doesn't sound like it will. Remember: Don't let the b*****ds get you down. 🎥😍 Catriona

Hard up Hester said...

I only drink water when I'm at work, so the lack of mugs won't affect me. I can see there being a riot if the staffroom is replaced with a meeting room.

Anonymous said...

Watch for the postman bringing baby wool for either gender!

Floss xx

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...