Tuesday, 22 April 2014


Back to work today, could barely get into my room for paper, the deliveries weren't cancelled over the holiday!

Bad news from MIL, she has a tumour in her bladder, it's very aggressive so treatment is starting in the next couple of days. We are furious as her Dr fobbed her off with antibiotics for 9 months. I need to get a wriggle on & make one of the quilts for her.

Dr's appointment for me today, my blood pressure was down to 'respectable' so that's something.

I've cut out 2 dresses for the DGD's, just a simple pillow case style pattern.


Unknown said...

I'm sorry for your MIL Hester that's terrible news. Glad your blood pressure is behaving a little better x

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your MIL-my own mother had bowel cancer which was also misdiagnosed for about 2 years. Glad to hear your BP is down-i need mine monitored constantly and take medication. The little pillowcase dresses are lovely-so simple to make yet so pretty. Catriona

Angela said...

Sorry to hear this news- you are in my thoughst and prayers xx

Scarlet said...

So sorry to hear the news; that GP is a disgrace.

Marjorie said...

I am sorry to hear about your MIL Hester. That GP is a disgrace. Hugs. Well done on your BP.

Hard up Hester said...

Thank you all for your thoughts & prayers.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your MIL Hester, it is going to be a trying time for her and the rest of the family. You will all be in my thoughts. Mariex

Everyday life at Number 38 said...

I'm sorry to hear about your MIL. Any GP worth their salt should have done further investigations after 2 or 3 lots of antibiotics. Glad your BP is behaving. And also that DD's are keeping well. xx

Linda Metcalf said...

Evidently being off from work for a bit has helped your blood pressure....that's a good thing! Sorry for the news on you MIL.I will be thinking of her in the days to come....your plate is full.

Being careful.

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