Monday, 21 April 2014

Work tomorrow

I spent some time today tidying the living room, one corner of it was piled high with yarn & fabric that has built up  from where I've been crafting away. I have sorted the yarn, tidied the quilt fabric & the corner looks better. I've unpicked zips & saved buttons from old items of clothing & saved a bag fabric for the 2 quilts I have planned. I've sorted out the yarn for 3 knitted scarves & 2 crochet blankets, I have 'project bags' ready to grab & go for when I want something to do. I've also unearthed my kindle & put it on charge, I shall be taking it to work daily as I will be lunching alone now people have been asked to change their break times.
I have a Dr's appointment tomorrow as they are struggling to get my blood pressure down, MIL gets her results tomorrow, DD1 is 33 weeks & has her bag packed & is all ready at home, DD2 is 20 weeks & is feeling lots better, it's a miracle she's hung on to the baby as she's been so unwell. Stressed, moi, much! It can only get harder, lol.


rabbitquilter said...

Quiet in your neck of the woods then!!! Hope all goes well with all the medical bits with everyone! Good luck for work!!

Hard up Hester said...

Thank you RQ

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, stress, wow!!! I hope you blood pressure goes own when babies are born and motherinlaw is well, take care,

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending good vibes for the blood pressure and your daughters! WS xxx

Linda Metcalf said...

Mothers and grandmothers always have's our lot in life. But please take care of you too. Hope work goes well for you. I have those project sort bags also....and I need to get busy with them. So many quilts to do!

Hard up Hester said...

Thank you

Being careful.

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