Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Right day, right time

Up early again today & back to the Doctors about my L&M heels & to get the results of his blood tests.
Blood test results all fine, he's in good condition for his age!
The problem with his heels is caused by spending 8 plus hours a day on his feet for the last umpteen years. It can be solved by buying something called Viscospot, the bad news? These seem to be £40 a pair, a pair consists of 2 heel supports for either the left or right food & not, as you'd expect, one for each foot. My L&M need them for both heels, ouch. The good news? I made enough money via eBay sales today to pay for these. Easy come, easy go.
The parsnip soup & soda bread was enjoyed by our guests, I'm very pleased as it only cost about a quid for the whole meal.
I've managed to get 2 loads of washing dried on the line & bottomed out both bathrooms. 
I just had salad for tea, I did a peppered steak baguette for my L&M.
I am spending the evening cutting out a couple of summer dresses & will start sewing them together tomorrow I hope.


markdebby said...

Sue, you could do all this stuff every day if retired :)
I would really hate to go to work now.

Hard up Hester said...

I'd love to retire, but still have a mortgage to pay

frugal freesia said...

Loved your last post:)
And how lovely you bought the heel supports out of your ebay sales, it's fortunate your were able to make the stuff to sell otherwise that's quite a lump of money to come up with at short notice. Good for you:)

Lyssa Medana said...

Just so impressed you are making dresses. WS xxx

Linda Metcalf said...

Happy for you for the sales and helping hubby's heels....can't wait to see the dresses.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...