Thursday, 8 October 2015

Hands free tailgate

Ok, who else has seen the advert for the car with the hands free tailgate and thinks. 'If I stood on one leg to open the boot of my car, I'd fall arse over tip'.

1 comment:

Rambler said...

Yep! Done that - fell arse over tip. I have a Berlingo, which has a rear door - excellent for carrying dogs, rubbish to the tip, all my camping gear (plus dog) and even most of my house move; only a man & van needed to transport the double bed, fridge-freezer and large cooker.
That open rear door is also excellent for shelter when it rains and makes it possible to make a mug or two of tea/coffee on the gas burner without getting wet.
BUT - when it comes to closing that tailgate, it's a real s t r e t c h for a short-arse like me! So yes - I have lost my balance and ended up on the ground on more than one occasion, much to my dog's delight, who loves it when I come down to his level with my silly games.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...