Saturday, 31 October 2015

Samhain Blessings

Tonight I will don my black velvet cloak and witches hat.

I will keep my besom in the hall along with a bowl of sweets. 

I will have a lit pumpkin on the doorstep and will welcome all the little & not so little visitors with 'Samhain Blessings'.

Last year just after Halloween my DGS had lots of local kids saying to him 'Did you know your  Nana was a witch?'

He replied 'Of course I knew, she keeps her besom on the decking'


Poppypatchwork said...

Great post, we had loads of stuff last year and no one came, this year daddy will bring Sammy all dressed up for his treat.

Lyssa Medana said...

Blessed Be xxx

Kim said...

Blessings. X

Kim said...

Blessings. X

Kim said...

Blessings. X

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...