Thursday, 25 May 2017

Counting the pennies.

Music magpie £14
Fridge freezer £25
Gtech vacuum £35
Fish tank £32

More stuff listed on eBay.
What didn't sell on eBay is now listed in facebay.
Just a few days left but it's half term next week, so after a weekend spent painting the boat I have three full days at home.
Captain Hot Stuff has sorted his clothes, given his tools and gardening equipment to DD1 and thrown away loads of crap.


John Going Gently said...

God loves a trier

Hard up Hester said...

Thanks John.

galant said...

I have absolutely no idea what a Music Magpie is! Is it something everyone should have at some time in their life? Have I missed out?
Margaret P

Hard up Hester said...

Music magpie is a company who buy used cd's, dvd', kindles etc. You can scan in the barcode, they offer you a price. They email a label to stick on a box and they send a courier to collect the stuff and pay money into your bank.

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...