Thursday, 4 May 2017

Who wrote it

I spent almost half an hour trying to find a book on my beloved's kindle, it was a Stuart MacBride, I'm reading A Dark so Deadly, it wasn't that one, it was an earlier one but he couldn't remember the title.
He'd started reading it and somehow lost it!
Eventually I asked for details of the plot to help me narrow down the choices.
He said 'It's the one where Rebus has retired'
No wonder I couldn't find it, the Rebus books are written by Ian Rankin!

The roof of the boat has had it's first cream coat and it's looking really good, it's had 2 coats of primer, 2 of undercoat and now needs 2 top coat, CHS would have finished it today but the chandlers hadn't got enough cream paint in stock. It should be in by Monday at the latest, so the work on the roof will continue then.


caslass said...

Yes it's the one with the blue cover I was reading last week! Been there, played that game.

galant said...

Yes, it does help to have the 'right' author if you're searching for a book. The other way, if he couldn't recall the title, would be to go to Amazon and look at the author page of said author and that would list all his/her titles.
Have a jolly weekend. My blog is still 'down' while my computer man does some work, I think he's changing server or something like that. He assures me it will be done by the end of the weekend. It seems odd not being able to blog or reply to comments!
Margaret P

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...