Saturday, 1 August 2020

A new grandchild

We have a new grandchild, a little boy, he is eight years old, absolutely gorgeous with the most wonderful smile.


ShellyC said...

Brilliant news. They come in all shapes and sizes

maureenlthompson said...

Congrats! A new family member is always exciting. XXXXX

Beacee said...

Congaratulations! x

Christina said...

Wonderful news.xx

Tracy said...

How wonderful!

Angela said...


The Weaver of Grass said...

Any addition to the family is always good news.

justjill said...


Chris said...

Excellent! I'm sure he will be a welcome addition to your family.

flis said...

Wishing you all lots of happiness,love and fun for the future x

Jan said...

Wonderful news!!

Marjorie said...

So delighted for you all.

MargaretP said...

Congratulations, welcome to your family.
Wouldn't it be wonderful for him to see you knitting a jumper just for him, the weather will turn cold soon enough and you could let him know that you only knit things for special people, as it takes a while to do nicely.

Kathleen B said...

Wonderful news, he will definitely be welcomed and loved by all your loving family

Rambler said...

Congratulations to you both - and to the new Mummy & Daddy. Will he be able to come and visit you on your boat? I think your home may turn out to be his favourite place to visit especially if you bake or knit for him!

Eleanor said...

Hope he settles into his new home. There are so many older children needing a family, wish more people would do what your daughter and her family have done.

Lynda said...

Congratulations ! Never too many!

Witch Hazel said...

Oh congratulations!

Theresa Y said...

Congratulations on the new addition grandma.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...