Thursday, 27 August 2020

Moving day

We left the cow field at 9:30.

I walked to the first swing bridge and let the boat through.

I returned to the car and drove it to the next bridge. I parked up and walked back to the lock and locked through the boat through.

I walked back to the swing bridge and opened it to let the boat through.

I then returned to the car and  drove to the next swing bridge, parked up in a car park, once again I walked back to the lock to let the boat through and then walked back to the car.

We moored up and had breakfast as it was 11:30, we were intending to move on through the next and swing bridge but by the time we'd filled the water tank it had started to rain so we changed our minds.

We moved off the water point in case someone else needed to use it.  It was now raining heavily so we closed the cratch cover and lifted the pram cover it was raining heavily. We combined walking the dogs with getting rid of our rubbish at the nearest compound. Within minutes the rain had gone from heavy to torrential with added thunder and lightening.

I've taken the skin off my toes as my shoes got wet whilst walking. I've used a lot of plasters to give some protection. It's supposed to rain again tomorrow so I will wear my waterproof shoes.


justjill said...

Goodness you must be fit! I am exhausted reading it all. And then the rain. Hope all is better soon.

Chris said...

That was a busy morning. Hope you managed to rest in the afternoon.

Marilyn Bennett said...

You lost me at the first lock Hester. You are certainly energetic. Sorry about the sore toes.

Hard up Hester said...

We had torrential rain until about 10 o'clock so apart from walking the dogs and cooking a meal I did absolutely nothing.

flis said...

Hope you have dried out and your feet are recovering.I've had wet feet this week as it seems my wellies are leaking x

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...