Saturday, 22 August 2020


Thank you for your comments, my thumb is healing nicely and I have no locks to do now as we are staying put for a few days. I get regular ear infections but I've no idea why. I put some magnesium sulphate paste on Steve's infected finger, hopefully it should draw out the pus.

I stripped the bed, turned the mattress and washed the bedding today, I managed to get the bedding dry too as it's been sunny and windy today with only a couple of brief rain showers. I pegged the washing on to the airer so as not to lose it, Steve came out and rearranged all the pegs as they weren't in the right place.

I had to keep a close eye on the washing to make sure the cows didn't try to at it.

I watched Kelly's Hero's this evening, I haven't watched it for years but I enjoyed it.

I'm not sleeping well so I'm reading a lot, everything from Ben Arronovitch to P J Wodehouse. I'll happily read the back of a cereal box if that's a all that is available. Thank heaven for my kindle, there isn't room on the boat for the amount of books I read and I cannot see the print in most paper books.


justjill said...

Sleep well. You still make me smile.

Chris said...

A productive but (I hope) restful day since you are staying put. Enjoy the nice weather.

kate steeper said...

As a person who has to go out and repeg washing because it annoys me i can empathise with

The Weaver of Grass said...

There has not been a day for drying outside for weeks here.

Anonymous said...

Ear infections are a common problem for us hearing aid wearers. The UK hearing loss group on Facebook are a mine of useful information if you're interested.

Hard up Hester said...

Badly hung washing makes my teeth itch Kate. It doesn't matter what I'm doing, cooking, parking, laying the table it always has to be criticised and altered. It's a common problem as some men age, they feel compelled to nitpick.

flis said...

The pegs rang a bell with me too-it Really gets my goat when someone who Neglects their own business but then pokes their nose into Mine-it is Not appreciated At all x

Anonymous said...

I too can't get by without something to read at all times - my Mum wouldn't let me read at the table so I read cereal boxes, sauce bottles (HP sauce) and anything else with words on it. I carry my kindle with me in my handbag in case I have a few seconds sitting in the car while my husband is in a hardware shop, etc. My husband puts the washing out now as I can't reach up without getting dizzy so the lines of washing have matching coloured pegs for the different itsms but he never said anything when I put the washing out with any old colour pegs!! We have so many pegs now as he will buy more when there aren't enough of the colour he wants Audrey from New Zealand

Col said...

I now have stainless steel pegs, as it took me ages to hang the washing out, due to having a compulsion to match colours to items!
Hope you're having a bit of a rest Sue, sit down while you can! X

Sue said...

I've noticed when my hubby puts out the washing he has to have all matching pegs holding things up, it looks very neat but for some reason it does annoy me. I finding myself checking that my always pegged out randomly pegs DO NOT match at all ;-)

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...