Sunday, 2 August 2020

Beware, the world of stupid.

Today has not been good, we've travelled from Eynsham to Sandford, we are currently moored on the lock landing which is not allowed.

We've had a twat in a hat, bitching because we took too long to tie up in the lock, he came in behind us, complained that we were taking too long and then complained that we weren't tied up and therefore  might damage his boat!  The accepted method if you have a cabin cruiser is to wait until the narrow boat is secured before joining them in the lock.

Next, whilst coming through Oxford we had problems with two #unts  in a punt both of them standing up, both holding a pole, they crashed into a pontoon, two boats and a bridge and were completely oblivious to all other river traffic until they collided with them, they screamed at us to pass them on the wrong side despite the wrong side being full of punts , paddle boards and rowers.

We also had kids divebombing us from bridges, their parents insisting we stop immediately and dog owner throwing balls into the water, so close to us that the balls hit our windows, they also insisted we stop immediately. With the best will in the world it takes a long time to stop a 28 ton boat, we cannot do a emergency stop.

We finally arrived at Sandford lock to find that some idiot was tying an inflatable slap bang in the middle of the 24 hour mooring, we asked if he could move along a bit but he refused. 


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the day trippers, weekenders and renters are out and about. Sorry for such a bad day. Enjoy your posts. Ana USA

Anonymous said...

I would have punctured the inflatable. Veronica

flis said...

Some people are so selfish-I only had hyper cyclists today-I did hear him racing towards me over the hill as stones were smashing and I shouted"be careful-"he said"it's ok I've got good brakes"and did an emergency stop close and when my dog was barking at him he said "what's wrong?I'm an animal behaviourist"!!

Beacee said...

What a day - the weekends always bring them out though. Hope tomorrow's better for you. Hugs x

Joyce said...

2 nights ago some jackasses got a vehicle stuck in woods behind us. There’s no road, just a snow machine track.. we heard the tires spinning and spinning, later lots of male voices shouting and the smell of burnt rubber. It was after 10 pm. Don’t know if they got the vehicle out.

justjill said...

So glad I can trundle away from any such behaviour. How bloody awful some people are.

Sally said...

Sorry but I would have too the parent to stop the bloody kids jumping off the bridges before the kids got hurt. And as to the ignorant idiot with the inflatable I would here asked him how much he was paying to travel the canal and when he said nothing I would say well we pay a lot so move it or get flattened! Awful aren’t I expecting people to be polite and considerate of the rules.....

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...