Friday, 7 August 2020

Am I enough?

 'I am enough' is currently a very popular mantra.

Unfortunately I don't feel I am enough.

I cannot hear well enough to join in conversations.

I cannot see well enough to do the things I enjoy.

The lockdown has hammered my mental health.

I most definitely no longer feel I am enough.


Chris said...

I think you are certainly enough for those who need you, Hester. Stay positive!

justjill said...

You will do for me so that is enough. Hearing aids sod this Corona thing so you cant get tested. Bum.

Beacee said...

You care for your family - and your man, your dogs and your boat. And you get up each morning and do it all over again. You are more than enough it's our present situation that's lacking.
Wishing you a good day tomorrow. Hugs x

Jaccs said...

As the song title goes, I’m every Woman, you support your man, even though it’s tough sometimes, you support your family unconditionally, you have a wicked sense of humour, you went and realised your dream of living the canal boat life, god I think you are more than enough!!!

flis said...

It seems many people are having problems at the moment.I struggle with my daily life and just get through it the best I can.It's not ideal but I do my best to push negativity away and focus on something nice.I think you should cherish yourself and focus on yourself more x

Pattii said...

Big hugs Hester;I hear you and I think you're wonderful. You've got this.

Unknown said...

Sue, you are doing a great job so dont let othwrs saying your nit.
Sylvia xx

Catriona said...

You are a strong wpman as far as I can see from your blog. I am often astounded at the things you manage to do every day.

Poppypatchwork said...

The issue is not are you enough,why do we have to judge, the issue is the question, loads of people in our society have the wrong values, so instead of asking are you enough, maybe we should be seeking our strengths, on love, companionship. We are who we are, and like all your other followers, you Lady are enough for us!!

Rambler said...

Dear Anonymous (it might be more polite to add your name at the end of your post if you can't remove the Anonymous tag). Do you actually read Hester's posts? She doesn't lead the idyllic life you seem to be imagining - sailing along tranquil waters, trailing a languid arm over the side; gathering wildflowers to pretty up the boat, stopping wherever she chooses and enjoying a wander into villages and towns. There's no man-of-all-trades who does the brunt of the work involved, walks the dogs, loads the coal, water, does the shopping, etc., etc. Seems to me that her life is hard, really hard since her husband has changed out of all recognition from the man he was. I think your post is not at all helpful to a woman who is feeling so low at present. Hester - you are Wonder Woman for the way you cope.

Christine Hancock said...

You are some one who copes admirably with all sorts of mishaps and strong in mind and body.. criky you fell in the canal and climbed out soaking wet and no hot shower. Do not doubt yourself you're amazing living as you do, I certainly couldn't. This last week DH has had ear problems and shouting at him has driven me to distraction, and I know its on the mend.. hope you'll feel cheerier this week. You're fine just this awful virus blues, which we're all getting now and then and its perfectly alright to not feel tip top now and then. Hugsxx

walking in beauty carmarthenshire said...

Hi Hester
That is a question I have never asked myself. I am what I am, all I can do is improve on my own best. People who compare us negatively with them selves or others, only do it from their own inadequacies.We are not in some league table ,we are here to grow and develop.I believe.
You seem to meet all your challenges and deal with them well.

Meanqueen said...

Not sure I understand your question. Enough of what? All you need to do is keep breathing. Make your life what you want it to be. That should be enough. You are interesting to read, that is enough for me.

ShellyC said...

You keep getting up every morning, you do what you have to do to survive. It's not easy but you manage it.
It's a case of keeping on until the good/better times come around again. They will do, just hang on until they do

Anonymous said...

You most certainly ARE enough: your compassion and care for others shines through and is demonstrated by the path your children follow.

Meg said...

An answer to Meanqueens comment - perhaps you haven't read much of Hester's blog or you wouldn't be flippantly saying "make your life what you want it to be."
Perhaps you could elaborate and advise Hester on how she could do that when she is the sole carer for her husband. Should she abandon him on the tow path in the dead of night and sail away in order to make her life what she wants it to be?
A flippant remark is all very well coming from someone who is single and has only themselves to think about, as I believe is the case for you, but that isn't the case for Hester.

Hester, you have my sympathy, the tough times the country is going through can only be adding to your struggle. I hope that things soon return to normal and you're able to get the help you need.
Meg (long time reader, first time commenter)

Anonymous said...

You are one in a million, Hester, and that's more than enough. Listen to the song This is Me from The Greatest Showman. There are inspiring and uplifting words that certainly apply to you. "I'm not scared to be seen, I make no apologies, this is me!"


Col said...

Oh Sue, Of course you're enough!
Look at what you've achieved....your ex husband treating you the way he did, and you came through it; you have brilliant kids, who give freely of themselves and are surrounded by love; you're married to someone who has changed beyond all recognition, and despite everything, you're still there with him; you had a dream of canal boat life and made it reality, and it hasn’t all been plain sailing (or cruising/boating), but you're still there, living the life that suits you; you help others whenever and wherever you can, often for little or no thanks; you live on water, deal with locks and bridges with no fear, you fall into the river, and without panicking, climb back out, and you're a non swimmer who's scared of water; my God woman, you're a bloody marvel!
This bloody virus is making many of us miserable, I'm really fed up at the moment, but it will pass, I just wish it would pass a bit faster!
Now, listen to me, go and give yourself a bloody good talking to, or as my husband says, go and give your head a wobble!
You are much, much more than enough, you're YOU and that's something nobody else is, you're a survivor, an achiever, a good friend, a mother, a grandmother, a wife, a carer, a nurse, a cook, and an all round good'un!
You're the greatest thing in the world, you're a woman whose children love her, there's nobody better than that!
Love and hugs, Col X

Carol Caldwell said...

I am late to the party and for me Col, above, has said it all so I can only say "ditto". I agree with every word he said. x

busybusybeejay said...

I think you are amazing.Give yourself a pat on the back .

Witch Hazel said...

Thank you for sharing your downs as well as your ups Sue. So many blogs (and FB pages) have selective posting (either by design or omission) and create a false image of other peoples ordinary lives. I love the snippets you share, it's much more...real, and down to earth. I'm not surprised that sometimes it all gets a bit much. It's not as if you can just drive off somewhere for the day to clear your head. Well, not on impulse anyway.

Living on a canal boat is lovely when it's going well, but hard when it's not. It's also very different having a boat when you also have a house to go back to.

Do your children know that you are low? It's so much easier to put a brave face on things than to share. Maybe they could help? One of them could stay on the boat with Steve for a day - not moored up, actually moving - and you could perhaps spend teh day with another...or doing something else?

Sue said...

Of course you are enough, you only have to look at the caring children you have raised doing what they do, and giving so much of what they are and what you gave them back to the world.

It's so hard for you at the moment with this constant moving and the lack of support or simple entertainment. Is there somewhere with a half decent television or WIFI signal that you could moor at for a couple of weeks? Or somewhere near enough to shops that a walk would be enough without having to fetch the car.

Is going back to the marina an option, true it might have a lot more holidaying folk there, but at least there would be some conversations to be had, even if they're not really your sort of people.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...