Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Moving day

 We've moved from Theale to Ufton Nervet stopping at Tyle Mill to empty the black water tank, fill up with clean water and eat lunch. I also managed to get a load done in the washing machine.

I walked the dogs for most of the way so they have had plenty of exercise.

The heavens opened as we moored up so it was a bit of a mad panic to get the front and back covers up before we got soaked.

I need to walk back and get the car but I'll probably do that tomorrow now as I've walked 2 miles, opened two swing bridges and locked a lot of boats through two locks.


justjill said...

You will be fit!!

flis said...

Sounds like a good day all round x

crafty cat corner said...

I always thought that living on a barge would be idyllic, but your blog is proving to me that it is hard work.
Love reading your posts.

The Weaver of Grass said...

All sounds a bit hectic.

Rambler said...

So people who live permanently onboard and travel long distances along the canal - can't have a car, or do they garage it somewhere until they return?
As Briony said - it isn't the beautiful freedom of pottering along and enjoying the wildlife and countryside that one might imagine, is it? I did seriously consider it at one time: either that or a caravan. I chose the caravan and enjoyed the freedom that way - at least I still had the use of my car!

JanF said...

I think some of them have Smart cars or similar which they keep on deck.
It certainly is hard work and we are lucky we can learn something of this most interesting lifestyle from Hester.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...