Monday, 17 August 2020

Pissed or not

 We have Wi-Fi and a new phone each. I feel almost human again.

We went into town to upgrade our phone and had a pub breakfast whilst we were there.

My ankles seize up when I sit for long, this, combined with my Vestibular Schwannoma means I lurched  and staggered about as I left the pub. I expect some people assumed I was pissed, I wasn't. I drank only lemonade.

One of my dgd's misheard my conversation about my balance and hearing problems, she thinks I have a vegetable samosa.


Tracy said...

Veggie samosa, very tasty - and very funny! I have rosacea and I have often had people assume I am drunk because the smallest taste of alcohol causes me to flush bright red.

crafty cat corner said...

I had to look up the veggie samosa, lol. Poor old you, that's horrible to have your balance off like that, can nothing be done about it?
As for the new phone, I should get one, mine won't let me download certain apps now its considered old though isn't in my books, but that's the way now isn't it?

justjill said...

Oh. Sorry still giggling.

Margie from Toronto said...

Kids do say the funniest things! :-)
Glad that you were able to get all the tech things sorted and enjoy a nice meal out. I do sympathize - if I sit for too long my joints seize up (RA) and I lurch a lot when I first start moving again - it's a bit embarrassing at times but hey - at least we are still moving!

kate steeper said... other half seizes up and it can be hard work to get him up and moving , but he refuses to give it to his wheels , he hates the damned things and would sooner struggle

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...