Wednesday, 5 August 2020

No room

Best paid plans and all that tosh.

We set off from Clifton lock yesterday morning just after 9  We were intending to moor at Wallingford.

Unfortunately Wallingford was full as were the Mousley moorings and there was no room at Goring either.

We finally reached Childe Beale at about 5:30 where we got the last space. The only reason it was free was because there was a wasps nest there.

We came to an amicable arrangement with the wasps, we wouldn't swat them or flap about as long as they didn't sting us. It's worked so far.

It was a very long day, it was very windy, at times the boat was going sideways, it was a struggle to control it at times but it was the same for all the other boaters. We are both wind burnt and were knackered by the time we moored up.

1 comment:

lindsey said...

A drink of choice and early night is the order of the day, I think a quiet day next is probably a good idea. Best wishes x

Highly recommended.

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