Tuesday, 4 August 2020


This time I did get chance to look around Abingdon, there are so many beautiful buildings. Unfortunately I didn't take any photos as I had a backpack on and was carrying a carrier bag.  I should have taken pics on my way to the supermarket but I was too busy trying not to get lost. I have no sense of direction so I can struggle to find my way  back to the boat.We

This morning we got a pump out and we are now at Clifton lock, We will stay over night and in the morning set off to Wallingford.


Anonymous said...

Pleased you had a chance to have a look around - we do have some lovely old buildings, and at least it wasn't raining yesterday! Not sure whether you managed to see the Unicorn theatre buildings - these are medieval and quite lovely. If not, maybe another time :-)

Safe travels.

Hard up Hester said...

I missed the Unicorn theatre but I saw many other interesting buildings.

Highly recommended.

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