Thursday, 20 August 2020

Cows and cold chips

After yesterday's all day rain, today has been dry and sunny. We walked back to collect the car at 8:30 this morning, it was a bit further that I thought, almost 3 miles but the dogs enjoyed the walk.

DD2 phoned not long after I got home, she needed me to look after her girls today whilst she went to advocate for a student who didn't get the required grades to get on the course she was aiming for. DGS got Bs and Cs so he's all set.

I set off to DD's with both dogs only to find the cows were all stood at the field gate.  Loulou and Beano are both scared of the cows, Loulou barks at them and Beano wants to be carried past them. Steve came to hold the dogs whilst I moved the cows. They are actually heifers so they are incredibly nosy but harmless. If it was cows with calves it would be a different matter.

I walked amongst the cows, slapping them on their rumps and telling them to shift. There were people following me and people on the opposite side of the gate. They were all quite vociferous in their complaints about the cows, how I shouldn't keep cows in a field with a path through it. I did explain that they weren't my cows but one particular stupid woman insisted that they must be mine as they had moved when I told them to!

Steve requested KFC as I'd be driving past it on my way home, yuk, I don't like KFC but by the time I staggered home after an afternoon playing LOL dolls with the 5 year old, weaving with the 12 year old and discussing my vegetable samosa with the 9 old, the dogs and I were knackered so I ate a few cold chips and had a large drink of water.

DD2 was successful and the student has been  awarded a place on the course she wanted so it was all worthwhile.


justjill said...

Its great when you see your kids good at their job and success for the student too. Most satisfying. What a balls up from this government and our poor young ones.

crafty cat corner said...

You bought up memories of being chased by a load of cows many years ago, didn't know they could move so fast. lol

Ellen D. said...

Wow! You know how to do everything! You always impress me with your "just do it" spirit!

Marjorie said...

Well done on raising such amazing children. As for the heifers, good for you. As for that woman, where would food come from if every field with a pathway could not be utilized by a farmer. That farmer was a good one to put quiet heifers in there.

walking in beauty carmarthenshire said...

When dealing with cows, I extend my arms and pretend to be an electric fence,using appropriate hissing noises. Seems to work so far.
When I saw the heading,I thought you were talking of cow chips !
Kathy xxx

The Weaver of Grass said...

Not so sure about the cold chips but otherwise sounds a successful day.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...