Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Hearing aids

 The local audiology has not yet reopened to f2f appointments. 

The drop in repair centre is also still closed.

They are only doing video and phone appointments which I can't do because I can't hear what is being said.

I haven't paid for private hearing aids because as the vestibular schwannoma grows my hearing is deteriorating too fast, I cannot afford to replace them regularly.


Ella said...

It's tough times trying to get anything done isn't it? Government keeps saying your NHS is open but that's obviously not the case. I've had an urgent referral to ENT which resulted in two telephone consultations with the ENT consultants, the first one said yes urgent referral. The next one asked all the same questions, got all the same answers and I've just got a letter saying I'll be seen in 3 to 4 months in clinic. The first urgent referral from my GP dates back to the beginning of March.

Would your husband be able to relay to you what is being said on a video appointment? Sorry if this isn't appropriate, I don't know all your situation.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I am juat hoping mine don't go wrong while we are in lockdown (fingers crossed)

crafty cat corner said...

Tom is deaf and they can do nothing for him. I feel like a parrot repeating myself on everything several times. lol

Sarah Dee said...

I totally sympathise with you. I am very deaf even with hearing aids and always asking people to repeat what they say, I wouldn’t wish deafness on anyone. Thank heavens for email as I can no longer use a phone. Sarah

Marilyn Bennett said...

I do feel for you as my poor husband has had lots of problems with his new beaut very expensive aids. They have been back for repair 3 times in as many months and he is not heavy handed with them. He was a professional photographer all his working life and is used to dealing with cameras and lenses and he treats his aids with the same care. Being deaf is no joke.

Being careful.

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