Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Catch up and comments

I have my thumb strapped up hopefully I'll be able to get it checked soon. The lock mechanism was faulty and failed as I was trying to open the paddles. The wheel spun round and trapped my thumb . 

I walked the dogs yesterday evening and was almost mown down by a cyclist, I'm now taking Steve's walking stick out with me, I don't need to lean on it, I'll just use it as an offensive weapon!

I shouted at the cyclist to slow down and his mummy remonstrated with me, her precious baby is only 15 and had never heard the F word until I shouted at him. If it had been a group of boys if have been more polite, not because I'm scared but I don't expect groups of teens to be sensible, I do however expect parents to be sensible.

Radio, music etc, I don't listen as I can't hear them, I could play music via my tablet, I bought some headphones to wear with my hearing aids but I still cannot hear it. 

We cannot go back in the marina until October when we are booked in.

Col, thank you.

Ian, again you made me laugh, I have your books, they cheer me up.

Walking in beauty, I've lost your email address, if you contact me again I'll send you DD's address. Which answers your question Janf my post goes to my daughter's address.

1 comment:

Margie from Toronto said...

Your poor thumb - please take care.
A walking stick is a good idea - as I've mentioned before, my cane has come in handy more than once when it comes to inconsiderate cyclists! And really, couldn't the parent have done something! But oh no - their little darlings couldn't possibly be at fault!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...