Wednesday, 18 October 2023

At last.

There have been temporary traffic lights outside our flats for three weeks. It's been chaos!

It's a fairly busy road used by lots lorries and trucks used in road building, crossing it is a challenge even for those more nimble than I am. The flats are situated between two bends in the road which limit visibility. There have been many near misses and the occasional accident when someone has pulled out of our car park thinking the road was clear. One of our residents has no peripheral vision so he is really a danger when he pulls out. As I'm on foot I tend to be a danger only to myself and Beano.

This morning the traffic lights have finally gone at last.

I took Beano out before 8 o'clock as rain is forecast, we got home after 9:30. This doesn't mean Beano had a long walk, just that he stops and sniffs everything. We managed only 4000 steps. It's now 10:15 and it's raining so I'm glad we got home before it started.

No plans today apart from more dog walks of I can persuade Beano that he won't melt in the rain!


Lyssa Medana said...

So many lampposts, so little time...

Roadworks are such a nightmare. I'm glad it's eased off.

Anonymous said...

The person with no peripheral vision should not be driving and should inform the DVLA of his/her sight problems who will then probably arrange for the individual to have a peripheral vision sight test. I realise that everyone wants to keep their driving licence for as long as possible but a driver with no peripheral vision is a danger to all road users including pedestrians. I have peripheral vision eye test every three years arranged by the DVLA and I dread them. If I fail my licence will be taken away and I will be reliant on the one bus a day out of my village.

I am pleased that you are now feeling better and hope the rain ceases so that you can get Beano to go for a walk.


flis said...

Walking my dogs keeps me sane - Well almost x

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...