Monday, 23 October 2023


The residents are thinking about moving the weekly quiz from Wednesday morning to Wednesday afternoon. This doesn't suit me but seems to fit in better for everyone else.

It's been suggested I go to the Friday morning crossword meeting instead. I'm not so good at crossword puzzles and I'm not keen on Tilly Twinkle who runs the Friday morning sessions.

Tilly is relentlessly cheerful but moans non stop, she will insist on pronouncing my name with a Z, zhou. I've no idea why but I've learned to live with it.

I will possibly go along but it depends on what Steve is doing, we have our shopping delivered on Friday morning so I'm not sure.


Sooze said...

We nearly always get our surname spelled wrong - it's perfectly simple actually but for some unknown reason people generally add an extra letter, even after I've spelt it out to them. Annoying but, as you say, we've learnt to live with it over the years.

Tilly Twinkle, that did make me laugh!

flis said...

Over the years I have had various pronunciation of my name - I know of a real life troll who deliberately says my name ridiculously - Never mind - she does have her problems x

flis said...

Over the years I have had various pronunciation of my name - I know of a real life troll who deliberately says my name ridiculously - Never mind - she does have her problems x

Ana Dunk said...

My name is pronounced the Spanish way (Aw'na) but from the time I started school at six yrs. old, I have had to correct people in the pronouncing of my name. They insist it should be said as Anna (the German or Scandinavian way). Even now friends (?) of many years will still pronounce it wrong and I take affront at that. One's name is a very important part of who we are and if they don't care enough about it to get it right, then what does that say about how they feel about me as a person? Or am I just being too fussy?

Corinne said...

Totally agree with you Ana. I've had many variations with my name over the years, but what I really don't allow is anyone to shorten it.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...