Saturday, 7 October 2023

Oppositional defiant disorder

If Steve was was a school child today I think he'd be diagnosed with ODD. Or maybe he'd just be classed as a pain in the arris!

I've spent the last four days in bed in a lot of pain, I've had a diverticulitis flare up! I've got up only to stagger to a patch of nearby grass for Beano to relieve himself as Steve won't walk him. I've not eaten since Tuesday morning but I am drinking lots of water.

Steve doesn't cope with illness so he's spent the past few days with various residents. He's replaced bathroom fans, hung pictures and fitted cupboards. He's very popular with some of the residents, he saves them having to ask friends and family or paying a professional. He will always do a good job and leaves everywhere tidy.

Unfortunately he will not help with walking Beano, neither will he work on our bathroom which is half finished. I asked him to start a load of washing but it turned into an argument. He decides that I'm using the wrong programme and starts shouting at me.

I'm now feeling slightly better but I'm faced with about 6 loads of washing and no food in the house that I can eat. Well actually there are eggs in the fridge, I can have scrambled eggs. This means there will not be sufficient eggs for Steve's cooked breakfast, he will have to walk to Aldi when he runs out!


linda said...

Take care.


Ellen D. said...

Hope you feel all better soon.

Chris said...

That sounds nasty! Hope you are back on your feet soon.

Donna said...

I am wishing Better Things for you! You do Not deserve to be treated this way!!
Okay...I'll shut up now... :o(

Nelliegrace said...

Three loads of laundry, surely? You have had your orders to do just your own.
I hope you feel better soon. Do you know what, apart from stress, triggered the latest gut flare up?

I find that DH tries to take over the jobs which I can do, or muscles-in and says, “I’ll do that,” just as I finish something. He goes out a lot, and thinks the housework will do itself in his absence.

lindsey said...

I’m so sorry that you have been unwell. Not only that but nobody to give you some TLC just when you need it. I hope that your improvement continues. Your wee dog will be happy to have you back to normal! Best wishes from Northern Ireland x

Marjorie said...

Hugs and love

Siebrie said...

Can Steve not swap his work for doggy-walking? I'd say a nice walk in exchange for new shelves would be a fine price to pay :)

flis said...

I'd not heard of ODD before but now reading about it I realise that I'm sure my husband has this - I don't know whether I should tell him as I don't think he will admit it and go to the Dr - Anyway thankyou for mentioning it x

Anonymous said...

You should ask him how he would have felt or managed to cope had left him to alone to struggle on when he had his stroke?
Diverticulitis is horrible I suffer from it myself from time to time & it feels like you've swallowed a reel of rusty barbed wire dipped in acid.I only got my diagnosis earlier this year after a couple of years suffering during the pandemic. The dietary advice on the NHS printout I was given from the website isn't that good either, I try and avoid processed foods and stodgy bread too much fat etc, I drink more water and increased my fibre intake a little & it's helped, but painful flare ups still occur. Meal replacement milk shakes help me when I'm in a flare up, they're filling but not too heavy.I know they're not ideal really but the ready mixed ones are easy to grab from the fridge and keep me sustained & regular until I'm through the worst of it & can get back on track.Then I go to homemade soup from the freezer and then add more solid foods /light meals bit by bit. I like to keep natural yoghurt in too and have some every day.Please note I'm not trying to take the attention off you, it's just how I manage it & maybe an idea you might want to try for the next time that could help you too.
I so wish you had someone to take of you when you need it, it's so unfair

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...