Thursday, 26 October 2023

Electricity bill

We read our electricity meter and pay our electricity bill monthly so there are no big unexpected bills. We don't have gas which is a shame as I prefer to cook on gas. We've not yet put the heating on, I wear layers and I have a heated throw that I can use if I get cold.

I rarely cook now, I can't be bothered just for me and I refuse to cook the party food that Steve wants. He can cook it in the air fryer for himself. Food is a bone of contention, Steve would like me to cook daily for him and I won't. He was pulling faces y'day as he walked into the kitchen and there was half an onion and a leek on the chopping board. He would have complained but couldn't as Harry was here. Steve spent the rest of y'day in bed with a painful wrist, he thinks it's arthritis, I hope it improves soon.

The weather is dull, damp and overcast here but Steve will have to get up as the bathroom fitter is coming to finish the floor, Steve will be in a grump all day, he hates the winter.

There was no quiz y'day, the quiz master had a migraine, there is still no firm decision on whether the quiz will be moved to the afternoon. I've agreed to go to the Friday morning crossword meeting as Steve is happy to put the shopping away on his own.

I need to make a shopping list as I've offered to make chocolate brownies and rice pudding  for the next Tuesday lunch meeting. Barbara is making cottage pie. This and the fact that I've offered to make the main meal on the following Tuesday, was also met with much face pulling from Steve. He wants KFC, or at least a home cooked version of it. I'm not sure how he expects me to cook chips for up to 10 people since I'm not allowed to use the oven. I am going to cook chicken in gravy in my slow cooker. I have to cook and serve the vegetables separately. I really don't understand why Steve wants to go to these lunchtime meetings. Maybe he's hoping to convert everyone to his way of eating.


Rambler said...

It will do Steve good to go along to the lunchtime meetings so that he can see how people enjoy your cooking and maybe realise that he is the awkward, picky one who only eats rubbish!
You never know, he might get converted!

fliis said...

Mines regressed permanently into a badly behaved child - He mainly eats oven chips,beans and sausages or something or other - Lots of biscuits,cake and sweets and constantly smoking - I insist on that outside - Such bliss x

linda said...

Good point by ‘Rambler”.



Col said...

Have you been informed yet of how much your Pensioners Winter Fuel Payment will be? It would mean you could switch your oven on whenever you wanted without getting a special dispensation from his Lordship!
My husband has just had his letter advising him of the amount of Winter Fuel Payment he will receive from the government this year. He turned sixty six before the qualifying week, but my birthday was after it, so he gets the amount for being the only OAP in the house.
There's an extra amount added to it this year as a 'pensioner cost of living payment', so it's higher than it would normally be.
He gets the minimum amount that a pensioner household will get, as we both have our occupational pensions, so get no benefits at all.
Having waited until the age of sixty six before seeing any of my state pension, when millions of women got theirs at age sixty, I'm just enjoying seeing some of my National Insurance payments coming back my way! X

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...