Sunday, 22 October 2023

Wedding invitation.

Allegedly Steve's friend Bob is getting married next year, it must be love! She chose an engagement ring that cost £5000, Bob hasn't stopped moaning about the cost since he purchased it.

They are planning on marrying in Windsor and having their reception on a boat, it will include a river trip.

I haven't said anything to Steve yet but I may decide not to go. My eyesight is deteriorating rapidly and the train journey would be difficult. Especially the return journey with Steve, no doubt as drunk as a skunk.

The social life here is getting better and better. As well as the afternoon meetings and the Wednesday morning quiz, there is now a Friday morning meeting for crossword addicts. There is also a weekly lunch meeting starting on Tuesday where someone makes food for those who attend. It's liver and veg the first week and cottage pie the next week. To my amazement Steve is intending on going along! I think he's expecting me to make him his usual ham sandwiches to take with him as he won't eat what is provided.


Sooze said...

Well next year is a long way off yet, the wedding might never happen! Spending loads on wedding and reception always seems a bit pointless to me, the money would be far better spent on furnishing a house. If Steve won't eat the food provided, then he should make his own sandwiches.

Rambler said...

I can't imagine this union lasting, if Bob is already regretting spending £5000 on a ring (he must be mad, if it's to be believed). As Sooze has said, far better to put the money towards furnishing a home. If Bob's lady friend decides he isn't for her, she can have a few holidays with the proceeds from the ring! Lol, lol.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...