Sunday, 29 October 2023

Rainy days.

We've had a few rainy days lately, not non-stop rain, just showers but some of them very heavy.

As I've said before Beano absolutely hates the rain and a couple of times we've gone out in the dry and then it's started to rain heavily. At this point Beano turns and heads for home, at a gallop.

Y'day he asked to go out about 3:30 in t he afternoon after he'd been fed.  Once he'd looked out the door and saw the rain he changed his mind and returned to the flat. He must have a bladder the size of an elephants as, despite me suggesting he go out again, he didn't. He just snuggled down on the sofa and slept.

At about 10 o'clock I told him it was bed time and we went to the door again. 

It was still raining, Beano looked at the rain, looked at me, signed deeply and plodded out into the rain to empty his bladder.


Amanda said...

Poor Beano! Had a friend who had a Beagle that whenever it rained checked the back door, then the front to make sure the rain was on both sides of the house before she resigned herself to going outside to do her business. You know how sometimes you can drive into and out of showers? My pal said he always wished one of those shower edges would be over his house so just once the dog would find a dry side.

flis said...

One of mine doesn't wee outside when it's dark -he doesn't seem to mind the rain though - His preferred place is the hall or bathroom - Apparently he previously loved outside with other dogs x

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...